Protecting your global trademark portfolioWe have your back, whether you need big-picture trademark strategy, domestic or international trademark registration, assistance with implementing your brand throughout your business, or help with domain registration and acquisition in order to fiercely defend your brand. Our trademark clients come from a wide range of industries, including banking, consumer products, advertising, entertainment, software, publishing, and e-commerce services. We work with a network of agents worldwide to perform trademark filings, oppositions, cancellations, and co-existence negotiations outside the United States.
HMLG can oversee your company’s trademark application anywhere in the word, including China, as well as any trademark proceedings for invalidation and non-use cancellation of marks. We can also work with you to develop strategies to combat counterfeit goods and lead your team on issuing take down notices for counterfeit goods.
HMLG Trademark Services:
- Global Trademark Strategy
- Trademark Searches, Clearance, Registration, and Enforcement
- Trademark Oppositions and Cancellations
- Negotiation of Licenses and Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Due Diligence
- Portfolio Management
- Global Trademark and Domain Name Enforcement, Acquisition and Disputes
- Brand Usage Guidelines & Policies
- Global Anti-Counterfeiting Programs including ICANN Protocols
Let’s connect! Whether you’re looking for an in-house legal team or need to augment your existing counsel, HMLG is ready to help you rock your business.
Contact us today to learn how we can assist you with practical, proactive, world-class legal support.
3213 Harbor Avenue SW, Ste. A2
Seattle, WA 98126
(206) 774-0879